최원호 교수 “플라즈마 원천기술 확보와 활용성 확대”에 기여한 공로로 과학기술훈장 웅비장 수상
(서울=연합뉴스) 조성미 기자 = 과학기술정보통신부와 방송통신위원회는 21일 한국과학기술회관에서 과학·정보통신의 날 기념식을 열었다.
행사에는 한덕수 국무총리, 이종호 과기정통부 장관, 김효재 방통위 상임위원, 이태식 한국과학기술단체총연합회장, 노준형 한국정보방송통신대연합회장 등이 참석해 누리호 발사 책임자를 포함한 유공자를 시상했다.
과학기술훈장 웅비장은 플라스마 원천기술 확보와 활용성 확대에 기여한 한국과학기술원 최원호 교수가, 과학기술훈장 도약장은 군위성통신체계-Ⅱ 개발 성공에 기여한 김기근 국방과학연구소 수석연구원이 받았다.
출처: https://www.yna.co.kr/view/AKR20230421055100017?input=1195m
Professor Wonho Choe receives the Science and Technology Order of Merit, Ungbi Medal, for his contributions in securing plasma source technology and expanding its applicability
(Seoul, Yonhap News) By Jo Sung-mi – On the 21st, the Ministry of Science and ICT and the Korea Communications Commission held a commemoration ceremony for Science and ICT Day at the Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies.
At the event, Han Deok-soo, the Prime Minister, Lee Jong-ho, the Minister of Science and ICT, Kim Hyo-jae, a standing commissioner of the Korea Communications Commission, Lee Tae-sik, the chairman of the Korea Federation of Science and Technology Societies, and Noh Joon-hyung, the chairman of the Korea Information Broadcasting Telecommunications Federation, attended and awarded prizes to those who contributed, including the person responsible for the Nuri rocket launch.
Professor Choe Wonho of the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, who contributed to securing plasma source technology and expanding its applicability, received the Science and Technology Order of Merit, Ungbi Medal. Kim Ki-geun, a senior researcher at the Agency for Defense Development, who contributed to the successful development of Military Satellite Communication System-Ⅱ, received the Science and Technology Order of Merit, Doyak Medal.
Source: https://www.yna.co.kr/view/AKR20230421055100017?input=1195m