Nuclear fusion

Focused on physics of impurity transport and edge plasma in tokamaks

electric propulsion

Advanced plasma propulsion research for space exploration

atmospheric plasma

Development of advanced plasma source and fundamental physics study

About us

We are actively conducting research in diverse plasma fields.

This includes research on fully ionized high-temperature fusion plasma, weakly ionized low-temperature atmospheric pressure plasma, and plasma propulsion for space missions.

Plasma is a state where electrically neutral atoms or molecules are separated into electrons and ions, possessing various electromagnetic properties.

GDPL in the Media: The future of K-Quarantine KAIST – Professor Wonho Choe

Research Highlight

Stabilization of liquid instabilities with ionized gas jets

Gas jets impinging on a liquid can form a cavity on the surface of the liquid body. The depth of these cavities become deeper with increasing gas jet speed; however, the depth is limited by several instabilities such as bubbling (Rayleigh instability) and splashing (Kelvin-Helmholtz instability). We have demonstrated that weakly ionized plasma jets can greatly enhance the stability of such cavities. The increased stability of the cavity is due to electrohydrodynamic (EHD) forces, which come from the charges and electric field in the plasma jet. The EHD force can increase the total stabilizing force in such cavities by up to 48%, compared to pure gas jets. This work was published in Nature.

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Nuclear Fusion

Electric Propulsion